How to Keep Flies Away While Camping?

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by admin

Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, one of the downsides of camping is the presence of flies. Flies can be annoying and even dangerous, as they can carry diseases. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep flies away while camping. In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to keep flies away while camping.

How to Use Natural Repellents to Keep Flies Away While Camping

Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but it can be ruined by pesky flies. Fortunately, there are several natural repellents that can help keep flies away while camping.

One of the most effective natural repellents is garlic. Garlic can be used in a variety of ways to repel flies. For example, you can crush garlic cloves and spread them around your campsite. You can also make a garlic spray by mixing garlic cloves with water and spraying it around your campsite.

Another natural repellent is essential oils. Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can be used to make a fly repellent spray. Simply mix a few drops of the essential oil with water and spray it around your campsite.

You can also use herbs to repel flies. Herbs such as basil, rosemary, and mint can be used to make a fly repellent spray. Simply mix the herbs with water and spray it around your campsite.

Finally, you can use citronella candles to repel flies. Citronella candles are a great way to keep flies away while camping. Simply light the candles around your campsite and the citronella will help keep the flies away.

By using these natural repellents, you can enjoy your camping trip without having to worry about pesky flies.

How to Create a Fly-Free Zone Around Your Campsite

Creating a fly-free zone around your campsite is an important part of having a successful and enjoyable camping experience. Flies can be a nuisance, and can even carry diseases, so it is important to take steps to keep them away from your campsite. Here are some tips for creating a fly-free zone around your campsite:

1. Keep your campsite clean. Flies are attracted to food and garbage, so make sure to keep your campsite clean and free of food scraps and garbage. Store food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage in a sealed bag.

2. Use insect repellent. Insect repellent can help keep flies away from your campsite. Make sure to use a repellent that is specifically designed for flies.

3. Use fly traps. Fly traps are an effective way to reduce the number of flies in your campsite. Place the traps around the perimeter of your campsite to help keep flies away.

4. Use natural repellents. Natural repellents such as citronella candles, cloves, and eucalyptus oil can help keep flies away from your campsite.

5. Avoid standing water. Standing water is a breeding ground for flies, so make sure to avoid standing water near your campsite.

By following these tips, you can create a fly-free zone around your campsite and enjoy a successful and enjoyable camping experience.

Tips for Keeping Flies Away from Your Food While Camping

1. Keep food covered: Covering food with a lid or tarp can help keep flies away from your food while camping.

2. Use a fan: Setting up a fan near your food can help keep flies away. The breeze created by the fan will make it difficult for flies to land on your food.

3. Use citronella candles: Citronella candles are a great way to keep flies away from your food. The scent of the candles will help keep flies away.

4. Use fly traps: Fly traps are a great way to keep flies away from your food. Place the traps near your food and the flies will be attracted to the bait in the trap.

5. Keep your campsite clean: Flies are attracted to food and garbage, so it is important to keep your campsite clean. Make sure to dispose of all food scraps and garbage properly.

6. Use insect repellent: Insect repellent can help keep flies away from your food. Spray the repellent around your food to keep flies away.


Q: What are some natural ways to keep flies away while camping?

A: Some natural ways to keep flies away while camping include using citronella candles, hanging fly strips, using essential oils, and planting herbs like lavender, basil, and mint around the campsite.

Q: How can I make a homemade fly repellent?

A: To make a homemade fly repellent, mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint. Shake the bottle and spray the mixture around the campsite to keep flies away.

Q: What other methods can I use to keep flies away while camping?

A: Other methods to keep flies away while camping include using fly traps, keeping food and garbage sealed and away from the campsite, and wearing light-colored clothing. Additionally, you can also use fans to create a breeze that will keep the flies away.


Keeping flies away while camping is an important part of having a successful and enjoyable camping trip. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can help ensure that your camping trip is free of annoying and potentially dangerous flies. Utilizing natural repellents, such as essential oils, and using physical barriers, such as fly traps and screens, can help keep flies away from your campsite. Additionally, keeping your campsite clean and free of food and garbage can help reduce the number of flies that are attracted to your campsite. With a little bit of effort, you can enjoy a fly-free camping trip.